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Kolbusa’s Management Board Discussions

Forge high-performance teams and achieve exceptional competitive strength

You and 15 to 20 other board members / managing directors. Thinking models and controversial theses by Matthias Kolbusa. An exquisite venue. Intensive discussions in a pleasant atmosphere. From 9.30 to 16.00.

“Speed of implementation is becoming a competitive advantage in itself. Matthias Kolbusa shows how to develop this competitive competence.”

Achim Berg, former CEO Microsoft Germany, currently Operating Partner General Atlantic

Today’s challenges

  • 75% of corporate transformations fail
  • On average, 37% less is achieved than planned
  • Only 2% of managers are confident that they will achieve 80–100% of their strategic objectives

1 HBR 2021 | 2 McKinsey 2021 | 3 McKinsey 2022

“The way is not more of the same, but a different way of thinking and managing.”

Matthias Kolbusa

Agenda 2024 – Topics & Values

Conference I: 10 am – 12.30 pm

Unveiling the Eight Key Factors of Mediocre Execution Management

Limiting root-causes: Planning Desire, Activity Fixation, Priority Circus, Employee Unproductivity, Judge Management, Silo Behavior, Ever Moving Targets

  • Overcome mediocre execution performance systemically
  • Transform showstoppers into accelerators by unlocking full potentials
  • Create execution excellence through sustainable behavioral change

Conference II: 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm

Executing Things Faster – Agility Beyond OKRs

Get into the Champions League of successful OKR Management organization-wide. “Bad” and “Best” practices, the 10 biggest OKR mistakes, how to avoid them and how to get the most out of OKRs.

  • Thinking OKRs – what really matters and when to use what
  • How to characterize high-performance teams
  • Core principles of successful OKR Management, from “Push” to “Pull Management”
  • Managing large projects and transformations with OKRs, real show case insights

Conference III: 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm

Actually Changing Human Root Causes into Performance Accelerators

It is impossible to prevent human-induced root causes, but they can be controlled and made manageable.

  • How to bring your influence to bear on mediocre execution performance
  • Systemically address limiting root causes
  • Transform your company into a performance-driven company

Your event host for the day

Navigating the realm of business consultancy entails a myriad of challenges – highs and lows, opportunities and risks. My journey, spanning over 25 years, has been a dynamic exploration of these facets, not as a mere bystander but as an active participant experiencing the ebbs and flows.

My expertise has been honed in major consulting conglomerates, and I’ve forged my path by establishing and eventually selling my own consultancy firm over a decade. I’ve delved into the intricacies of propelling a solo venture, achieving seven-figure revenues through value-based fees, and much more besides. A consultant at heart, I’ve been immersed in this profession for decades, nurturing a profound love and commitment to the craft. Since 2015, my passion has extended to aiding fellow consultants in their continuous personal and business growth.

To all Board Members I extend a warm invitation to explore my articles, delve into complimentary webinars, and seize the opportunity with the Board Discussions for a transformative leap towards success. I look forward to the prospect of connecting with you personally at one of our upcoming events.

Yours, Matthias Kolbusa

Well-known from publications and media

Customer testimonials

“The Kolbusa board discussions were just the right thing to break out of the hamster wheel of everyday life, where you are often only reactive instead of strategic. By refreshing theoretical concepts and exchanging ideas with high-calibre participants, I was able to gain a completely new perspective on familiar challenges.”

Markus​​​​ Mitzenheim, CEO, newcare GmbH

“It was particularly enriching to realise how employees can be motivated and inspired by simple measures and spurred on to top performance.”

Andreas Reinshagen, COO, STI Group

“Matthias Kolbusa succeeds in explaining complex topics in change management clearly and comprehensibly. His practical explanations and his book "Konsequenz" have helped me to gain new perspectives and organise my work more effectively.”

Christian Ausfelder, Managing Director, SAACKE GmbH

“The board discussions are a goldmine of methods, ideas and impulses for developing people in their impact and performance. Exactly what I need to take our company to the next level!”

Roksana Leonetti, Managing Director, Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft

“The board discussion served as professional food for thought for me. The debate about change projects and the question of why they so often fizzle out or languish was a great stimulus for honest reflection. The topic of 'successful OKR management' was very structured and offered surprising and practical impulses. All in all: new, refreshing, valuable.”

Rainer Schwoebel, Managing Director ZEN, Finance Germany

“I always gain valuable inspiration for myself and for the further development of our company from Kolbusa's board discussions. Mr. Kolbusa has a fascinating way of going against the tide every now and then and thus stimulates new ways of thinking.”

Stefan Leitz, CEO, Faber-Castell

“Matthias Kolbusa's board discussions are simply excellent! Format, participants, content, discussion: 5 stars!”

Matthias Rolinski, CEO, IRS Group

“Kolbusa's board discussions are something special: numerous genuinely good suggestions paired with cross-sectoral exchange at a really high level!”

Jan Recknagel, Managing Director, ALFRED KÄRCHER VERTRIEBS GmbH

“Management board discussions with Kolbusa are a welcome change and an opportunity to gain valuable input for your own business.”

Denis Schrey, Executive Board Member, Mast-Jägermeister SE

“It is becoming increasingly important for top executives to also question their own procedures and viewpoints. Matthias Kolbusa offers an excellent forum for doing so.”

Roland Polte, Managing Director, Dräxlmaier Group

“Mr. Kolbusa’s management board discussions are one of the best top management formats around!”

Roland Jeutter, Managing Director, AVL Deutschland GmbH

“A premium event! Provocation combined with input, all in a great atmosphere.”

Prof. Burkart Knospe, CEO, Testo AG

“Kolbusa’s management board discussions are a challenging and stimulating format. Not the usual ‘management nonsense’.”

Dr. Florian Seidl, CEO, Keller & Kalmbach GmbH

“Matthias Kolbusa is brilliantly successful at summarizing the management experience gained over many years and reflecting on it within the scope of discussions with top executives held in a stimulating atmosphere.”

Dr. Carsten Thies, Managing Director, Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG

“The management board discussions with Matthias Kolbusa inspire me and provide concrete implementation impulses for our company.”

Arne Severin, Chairman of the Management Board, Zeppelin Rental GmbH

Further customer testimonials



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