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Implementation Strength

Consistency, discomfort and speed are the way to more implementation strength!

“Implementation strength is developed by those who move from push to pull management.”

Matthias Kolbusa


Cover of the book  „Implementation Management“

Added values that you take with you

Stop Starting! Start Finishing!

Most companies don't lack goals, good ideas or smart strategies, but rather the ability to get these issues on the road quickly. If you manage in goal states, coming from the result, instead of living in the usual planning and control patterns, you have a chance for real implementation momentum.

It is not the how, but the what and the wherefore that shows the way

Stop asking, "Where are we in the plan?" and ask, "What's different when we're done?" And, "How do we know we are getting closer to this state beyond tracking and ticking off our activities?" What are we doing today to move further towards the desired outcome?" Manage the what for and the progress instead of the how that was set months ago. High speed management without project traffic lights and milestones.

From push to pull management

High-performance implementation of projects or strategies is not a rational but an emotional challenge. People are interested in logic, but they act exclusively out of emotion. We do not stimulate this emotional pull via the management mechanisms we all get with our mother's milk! It is important, both on a large scale (years in the future) and on a small scale (next month), to create vivid images that you and your team want to achieve as quickly as possible. This absolutely includes trust and a we-before-me mentality.

Customer testimonials

“The ProgressMaker approach consistently moves the entire team into a stronger results and progress orientation.”

Prof. Dr. Carsten Intra, Chairman of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brand

“When it comes to identifying implementation weaknesses Matthias Kolbusa can always put his finger on the sore point. His ‘prescriptions’ are sometimes uncomfortable but always effective.”

Richard Lutz, CEO, Deutsche Bahn AG

“Implementation speed is a competitive advantage in itself. Matthias Kolbusa shows how to develop such competitive skills.”

Achim Berg, former CEO of Arvato AG and CEO of Microsoft Deutschland, currently Operating Partner General Atlantic and President BITKOM e.V.

Gain implementation strength now!

In many organisations I encounter a huge longing to implement all the good ideas and strategies faster and more successfully. Most of them have what it takes! If this does not work, it is usually not due to a lack of resources or competencies, but to the way strategies, transformations and projects are implemented. For more implementation performance, changed structures and mechanisms are needed in the three elements of result orientation, emotions and discipline, through which people filled with pride enthusiastically and productively achieve far more than they would ever have believed of themselves. Let's talk about it!

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